Kelly Krammer
Kelly began her dance career after she graduated from Howard W. Blake high school for the performing arts in Tampa, Florida with a "Masters in Dance." Kelly then went on to study at Florida Atlantic University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and minor in marketing in 2017. While studying at FAU Kelly danced professionally for the Florida Panthers and was a published fitness model from 2013-2017. In 2017, Kelly won the title of “Miss South Florida”.
Kelly has been teaching dance and choreographing since 2011 at studios across the US and she has continued to study tap dance and has attended several teacher training programs. Kelly is a certified tap teacher by the American Tap Dance Foundation and also has an iTap Online teacher certification from Hillary-Marie. Kelly has taught classes at national dance competitions and conventions and judged several regional and national level competitions. Kelly is currently on the roster with Impact Dance Adjudicators.